Let Me Convince You to Donate

Let me give you some reasons to donate and also tackle any objections you might be raising in your minds (yes I can read minds, it's my baby super power).

  1. I'm a really cute baby and you want to do anything that I ask. I'll be honest here, if this doesn't convince you then I'm going to suspect you're actually a zombie. I will go to great lengths to make sure this rumor spreads. I will even contact my friends at TMZ and The Wall Street Journal and tell them that I have it on good authority that you are a zombie (I'll probably even Photoshop a picture of you eating human brains).
  2. If you're friends with me then I can almost guarantee that you are friends with someone who has MS. Show them some love.
  3. If you're not friends with me you are still likely to know someone who has MS, or will one day.
  4. You're a good and generous soul
  5. Did I mention I am a really cute baby? People just can't refuse when a baby, especially a really cute one, asks for stuff. Look into these big brown eyes and tell me you can't donate.
  6. You're not a heartless zombie, ghoul, boogie-man, banshee, ghost, vampire or werewolf.
  7. MS isn't going to find a cure for itself.
Excuses you might employ to get out of donating:
  1. Unemployment or tough economic times. Don't worry about this. If you've had problems finding a job I'll let you use me as a reference on your resume. Also: karma (I don't make this stuff up).
  2. I can't afford even a $10 donation. Come on! I may be a baby but I wasn't born yesterday!
  3. I don't care. AAHAHAHAHHAHA Zombie sighting! Zombie sighting!
  4. I'm saving up to buy Berkeley a present. This is very generous of you but I insist that if you have to choose between a birthday or Christmas present for me or a donation, choose the donation. I have more stuff than I even know what to do with it all. I literally have boxes and boxes of stuff, I could sufficate under the amount of toys and clothes I own. And I can really only play with two toys at a time anyway.
  5. I made a pretty lofty goal to raise a whole poop-ton of money. Do you want to be responsible for my poor little impressionable mind failing at the very first goal I set? Really? You want to be that person?
  6. If you've made it to number six I can only assume you're looking for excuses. Stop looking and go donate.