What's going on here you wonder? Well let me tell you. I have a dear friend with MS and to show her how much I love her I'm going to raise all kinds of money for a cause she has a very personal stake in, which by extension means I do too.

Even before I joined my parents here on Earth they have been running the annual Duskbuster to raise money in order to help those that live with MS. I'm carrying on that family tradition by setting two lofty goals. 1) I shall be the first stroller to cross the finish line of the 5K run. Bring it on all ya'll baby sucka's! 2) I'm going to raise $5,000 to support the cause. I know what you're thinking: as a baby I don't have any clue how much money $5,000 is. Well, you're right, I really don't. But it's a 5K run, so I'm raising a dollar for every meter I get pushed in my stroller.

Now, I know some people might have moral objections about me using my "cute baby" status to draw in dollars regardless of how good the cause might be. I don't even have MS you protest. It's true, it's a bit of an underhanded business I'm involved with here. For that I appologize, but I must push forward none-the-less. I openly confess to attempting to soften your heart and soul with gooey baby gooey-ness with the intent of convincing you to open your wallet and give of your hard earned dollars. For those that donate I thank you greately. For those that don't, I'll still love you and will still let you bounce me on your lap.

And though I rarely seem serious with my incomprehensible babbling, my drooling, my pooping in my pants, and my giggling at the air and walls, please know I'm very serious when I ask for you help and support.

I'll be using the blog to update you on my training and donation progress, so come back and visit me often.

Baby Berkeley